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FlexR Tips & Tricks

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Shift planning

To plan a shift in your calendar you can use the " Plan shift " option in the FlexR main menu.

Once you selected "Plan shift", a screen will be opened to plan your shift.

1.Select the date
2.Select the Shift you want to plan (type part of the name or use the drop-down list)
3.Adjust the shift details if required
4.Press save ✔ in the top bar
5.Now the date field is automatically advanced to the next day and you can plan the next shift (same or another one) or press return < to quit

Another, more convenient way, to plan your shift is directly in the FlexR calendar:
1.Open de FlexR calendar
2.Click on an empty date to add plan a shift or...

List view
1.Click on a date (left side!) with an existing shift and select "Plan another shift" to plan another shift on that day

Squares view
1.Click on a date with an existing shift and select "Plan another shift" to plan another shift on that day

Quick planner

If you pres-Long on a day in the FlexR Calendar, you can use the FlexR Quick Planner, it will popup a list with available Shifts and by selecting one, it will be planned on the date your Long-presses. This is usefull if you want to plan a shift without making modifications to the shift, no custom Note, no custom notification etc.

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