FlexR Tips & Tricks
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Settings (iOS)
FlexR (iOS) has 5 Settings categories:
1.General Settings
2.Sync Settings
3.Calendar Settings
4.Salary and Work Settings
5. Report Settings
General Settings
Shift Sorting
Set the sorting order of shifts in places where a list of shifts is shown
Possible options: Begin, Name, Worked hours, Note, Location, Creation time
App Color Theme
Select which color theme to use for FlexR.
Possible options are: System, Light, Dark
Sync Settings
Cloud Synchronisation
Switch on Cloud-Sync and select the google account to use for it.
Suppress alarms
Suppress Shifts alarms on this device
Suppress Notifications
Suppress Shift notifictions on this device
External calendar Export
(See also: External Calendar Sync )
Select the external calendar you want to Sync with, if requireed, add the calendar to your device first.
Event Suffix
Specify your own suffix text to be added to each event that is added to the external calendar. The suffix will be appended between [ ] to the event title.
Append note text
Enabling this option will result in the Shift Note text to be added in the external event title (i.s.o. in the note field of the external calendar event).
Use iOS calendar Alerts
If a FlexR shift has an alarm/notification set, you can enable this option to have a similar alert in the external calendar.
Be aware that you will then get two alerts: one from FlexR and one from the external calendar.
Sync to external calendar
Enable the external calendar sync: FlexR Calendar data will be written to the external calendar, a connection will be made between the planned FlexR shifts and the external calendar event.
Read from external calendar
When enabling this option, the FlexR calendar will also show all events from the external calendar in the FlexR calendar, this will be read-only items in the FlexR calendar
External Calendar cleanup
In case something went wrong with the sync, it can happen that you end up with double entries in the external calendar, use this option to help clean-up your external calendar.
•Clean-up will remove external calendar events that also exist in the FlexR calendar for the same date
•Clean-up will remove external calendar events that contain the specified [suffix] text
•Clean-up will remove external calendar events that have the same Note text in the event title or description
Calendar Settings
Show calendar on start
Enable this option if you want the FlexR calendar to be the initial screen to see when opening the app, i.s.o. the main menu.
Tab to show when opening calendar
With this option you can specify which page/view the FlexR calendar should show by default
First day of the week
Set the first day of the week, usually Sunday or Monday.
Used in the FlexR calendar
Add change note when shift changed
Automatically add a changing note text when you change an already planned shift to another shift. The note text will show the original/previous shift.
Worked hours in decimal format
Specify if the worked hours should be shown in decimal format or in hh:mm format.
default (off) is hh:mm format.
hh:mm decimal
7:30 7,50
3:45 5,75
6:10 6,17
Hide Shift break-time
Do not show the break-time in the FlexR calendar and reports, only show the shift begin and end time.
Alarm sound
Set the sound to be used for Shift alarms
Weekend color tint
Set the Color tint for the weekend days.
Note color
Set the background color for shift Notes
Current day color
Set the Color to indicate the current day in the FlexR calendar
Current day blink
Make the current day blink a couple of times when a calendar page is opened
Hide color bar
Show a vertical color bar at the right of the shift in the FlexR calendar, to make it recognizable.
Shift background Color
Use the shift color as background color for the shift in the FlexR calendar (default is the shift name has the shift color)
Fake leap-years
The "Leap Year" setting is used to add a virtual/invisible Feb-29, also on non leap year.
The result is, that when there is repeating pattern in your shift planning, that there is a shift plannen on this virtual day, but IRL the Feb-19 does not exist in non leap year, so the shift will never take place.
The reason for this (strange setting), is that some companyes use it to fenerate their repeating patterns for their employees.
Salary and Work Settings
Word for Salary
Select your own custom word to be used i.s.o. "salary" all over the app
Word for location
You can set your own word to be used instead of the word location. the location is a parameter for a shift, it is ment to specify the working location, this can be the address or a building, what you wish. The location van be used in Reporting to filter and/or group the report results. e.g. you could use the word "Employer" if you work for multiple Employers or Clients
Currency used in your country
Set the currency symbol to use in the app, e.g. € or $ or USD or EUR.
Night Shifts
Set this option if you want Night shifts on period boundary to be split in two.
e.g. when a night shift if on the first or last day of the month.
default is that all working hours of a night shift count for the day the night shifts starts.
Base Hourly rate
Set the default hourly rate to be used for shifts.
You can set multiple Hourly rates, each having its own start date, in case you get a raise;-)
Hourly rate for special rates
Set a specific hourly rate for unsocial hours. Some companies use this.
Special rates
Define your special rates, e.g. early morning time, night time, weekend time, etc.
example of special rates:
Specify your special rate within a day boundary, NOT like a night shift
e.g. when you have a 44% compensation for night shifts on week days between 10:00PM and 06:00AM, specify as follows:
10:00pM - 00:00AM 144% mo tu we th fr
00:00AM - 06:00AM 144% mo tu we th fr
Or for 24h time system:
22:00 - 00:00 144% mo tu we th fr
00:00 - 06:00 144% mo tu we th fr
---> Always add the 100% that are default for the normal pay.
Beside an extra percentage of the standard hourly rate, you can also specify a fixed amount as extra payment:
Special rates can apply to weekdays or to a specific date, e.g. newyearsday.
If multiple rates apply to a certain day/time. they will all apply.
Special rates are grouped in a Set, you can have multiple Sets of special rates, e.g. you work for multiple employers.
Working days
Set the valid working days of the week.
Used when repeating a shift pattern, repeating will skip non-working week days.
You can always plan a shift on a non-wrling day manually however.
Overtime per shift
Use this setting to let FlexR report overtime when there are more working hours in a shift then actually fit between the begin/end time of a shift.
Hide salary in Calendar
Use this setting to hide all financial information from the FlexR calendar.
Hide salary in report
Use this setting to hide all financial information from the FlexR reports.
Period Type
Set your personal working period type.
For your personal working period type you can specify the target worked hours and if applicable the period pay.
First days of month
If your personal working period type is set to 'month', you can here set the first day of that period, e.g. if your monthly pas is from the 14th - 13th
Target hours per period
Set the Target hours for your personal working period.
The FlexR calendar will show the plus and minus hours for your personal working period.
Period salary
If you don't have a hourly rate, but a fixed base period payment, you can set it here.
Hourly rate for overtime
Specify your overtime pay rate.
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